A Request to All Eyes: Please Donate your Eyes After you Daeth.

"Colors of Life”


The People with Eyes

The colorful world


Subject: - A Request…..

Respected all Eyes,

We have heard that this World is very Colorful and Beautiful”. There are lots of Colors in the Nature, which we can’t see or enjoy. The all we know about colors is their names, we don’t know how it looks like, for us its all “Black”. But, you can Change our Black World into a Colorful one by donating your eyes after your death.

So, I request you all, to kindly register yourself with “Eye Association of India” to donate your eyes after your death.

Please watch the video below, might help to change your mind. We will be Grateful to you all for this sympathetic act.

Yours Sincerely

“Colors of Life”

For The World of Blinds

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It’s Never Too Late to Do Good Things………

Try it really works……..

Be Possitive

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If u can’t see the bright side of life,

Polish the dull side….


Keep Smiling

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In any Situation just Don’t forget that

This Too Shall Pass

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Don't compare your life to other's life, because

You have no idea what their journey is all about

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"Lifetime Lesson"

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We cannot beg someone to stay with us forever

We have to accept that

Love doesn’t Give Us the License to Own a Person

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The Way U Look

"Colors of Life"

“It’s up to you, how you look at the particular thing”