Race of Life

Race of Life

People say this isKalyugin which everybody has become so selfish, think only about their interest. But I look at differently as a different Color of Life and I feel we don’t give time to our self also, isn’t it? Now just give thought to some questions.

Could you give enough time to have your food?

Could you give enough time to your family?

Could you sleep as long as you want?

Could you watch TV as long as you want?

Could you have fun with your friends as long as you want?

Could you enjoy holidays as long as you want?

Could you give time to your self interests as much as you want??

This is calledRace of Life” you couldn’t even do that what you want to do and for how long you want to do. This is anotherColor of Life”, isn’t it? Our situation is same as this picture, we want to do lots of things but our responsibilities towards society, family, and friends locks our hands.

Now have a look at this poem If I were Mad (down below) by Mr. Vivek Kumar Singhal, who knows about most of the Color of Life.


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